Photo Gallery of Miniature Winter Villages 5, with Lemax Market Square Choir Recital

Christmas Village Displays

Picture of a professional Christmas village display at a garden centrePhoto of a home display, with mountains and houses arranged in rowsView of a village from above, showing a small Lemax ice skating rinkPhotograph of a Christmas layout displayed beneath the stairs
Aerial image of a model villageModel village photograph, with Christmas houses and dark sky backdropImage of miniature ski slope, with Lemax figurinesImage of a small village arrangementSide-view of the gas fireplace and village houses, buildings and peoplePhoto of Christmas village display at Garden Centre, with Lemax housesPhoto of miniature Christmas village display on top of cupboardPhoto showing row of Lemax houses on windowsill

Click on each of the thumbnail images above to see further photos and descriptions:

When viewed from above, this model takes on the appearance of a real town, with its houses arranged to line straight roads and front a village square.

Within the arrangement are a number of popular buildings, including the Lemax Market Square building, which comes complete with the singing Children's Choir Recital. Snow has been sprinkled to create a patchy effect, as if areas are beginning to melt, revealing the pathways and cobblestones beneath. Street lights have been dotted along the main roads and are perfectly to scale.

Aerial image of a model village

Photo of central village square

Picture of the park, dressed in snow and home to a tall Lemax Christmas tree

Close-up view showing the placement of the figurines in relation to the buildings

Different view of the roads and pathways, covered in fake miniature snow

Image showing the Lemax Market Square building, with singing Children's Choir Recital