Photo Gallery of Miniature Winter Villages 11, Cupboard Top Layout with Lemax Majestic Christmas Tree

Christmas Village Displays

Picture of a professional Christmas village display at a garden centrePhoto of a home display, with mountains and houses arranged in rowsView of a village from above, showing a small Lemax ice skating rinkPhotograph of a Christmas layout displayed beneath the stairs
Aerial image of a model villageModel village photograph, with Christmas houses and dark sky backdropImage of miniature ski slope, with Lemax figurinesImage of a small village arrangementSide-view of the gas fireplace and village houses, buildings and peoplePhoto of Christmas village display at Garden Centre, with Lemax housesPhoto of miniature Christmas village display on top of cupboardPhoto showing row of Lemax houses on windowsill

Click on each of the thumbnail images above to see further photos and descriptions:

This is one of my smaller Christmas village displays, showing that you really don't need a lot of space to create something that looks quite impressive and imposing. The village has been laid out on the top of a cupboard, although to make more room for the layout, I used a substantial piece of old kitchen worktop as a base, covered with artificial grass. This extra depth meant that there was plenty of room to do some landscaping at the front, including a choir singing in the gazebo and an ice skating pond / rink to one side.

In the centre is a single plastic mountain, which is a useful way to create tiers of height. The flat platforms mean that it is easy to position the houses, while there are holes in the mountains so that any wires can be neatly tucked out of sight. Although I used lots of Christmas trees of various sizes, I placed the rotating Lemax Majestic Christmas Tree at the front, where it formed a really festive centrepiece without dominating the layout too much. A quick spray of fake snow was a finishing touch for the display, making it look nice and frosty.

Photo of miniature Christmas village display on top of cupboard

Close-up picture of miniature Santa Claus with sleigh and reindeer

Further image of model Lemax Santa Claus and his reindeer

Photo of full moon with Santa sleigh and reindeer flying past

Picture of Lemax model roundabout with children and tinsel

Photograph of model ice skating pond by Lemax (Silly Situation)

Picture showing model village with mountains, houses and trees

Image showing Lemax ice skating rink / pond in village setting

Picture of the miniature Tick Tock Clock and Watch Shop by Lemax

Photograph of homemade miniature snowman with cocktail sticks for carrot noses

Image of Lemax figurines sledding down plastic mountain slope

Photo of Lemax Essex Market Corner shop in Christmas village, with model deer

Picture of Lemax Santa Claus with Mrs Claus, by village gazebo

Image of ice skating rink in Christmas village

Further view of ice skating rink, houses and trees

Photo of the grand Lemax Colonial Mansion building