Photo Gallery of Miniature Winter Villages 4, with Model Ski Slope

Christmas Village Displays

Picture of a professional Christmas village display at a garden centrePhoto of a home display, with mountains and houses arranged in rowsView of a village from above, showing a small Lemax ice skating rinkPhotograph of a Christmas layout displayed beneath the stairs
Aerial image of a model villageModel village photograph, with Christmas houses and dark sky backdropImage of miniature ski slope, with Lemax figurinesImage of a small village arrangementSide-view of the gas fireplace and village houses, buildings and peoplePhoto of Christmas village display at Garden Centre, with Lemax housesPhoto of miniature Christmas village display on top of cupboardPhoto showing row of Lemax houses on windowsill

Click on each of the thumbnail images above to see further photos and descriptions:

Spaces under stairs can be perfect spots to display your village creation, as illustrated here, with the wall providing a good place to secure a night-time sky background and Christmas fairy lights.

Close-up images of the stand and its layout reveal some extremely structured elements, with neat rows of pathways being laid down outside the houses, creating pavements upon which the plentiful figurines have been positioned. An enormous ski slope dominates the left-hand portion of the display, while a miniature Hornby railway runs along the front of the village.

Photograph of a Christmas layout displayed beneath the stairs

Close-up picture of the careful attention to detail

Photo showing the precise placement of the figurines and houses, in perfect scale

Picture of Christmas Village fencing and pond

View of the mountainscape and figurines

Photograph of the ski slope and mountainous village background

Image of the Santa Claus is Coming to Town moving piece by Lemax

Night-time view of the railway track and Christmas Village buildings

Further night-time view, with railway track and horse-drawn carriage in the foreground